Our Services
*Includes everything in previus plan plus the listed upgrades*
Initial consultation and review of past training
One on One Coaching Support
Weekly Emails
Monthly Adjustments To Program
Pre-Race Preparation Advice, Specific To Each Race Through Email/TrainingPeaks
Field Testing Protocol To Establish Power Zones For Optimal Training
*Includes everything in previous plan plus the listed upgrades*
Unlimited Emails and Reasonable Text Messages
Weekly Adjustments To Program
Weight Lifting Recommendations
ZOOM call, once a month for 45 min.
*Includes everything in previous plan plus the listed upgrades*
Unlimited Emails and Unlimited Text Messages
Weekend Communication
Unlimited Adjustments To Program
Weight Lifting- Full Guidance
ZOOM call, twice a month for 45 min; second one for strategy, nutrition, anything training/racing related
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!